32 Cheap Vacation Spots You Must Visit Before You Leave Earth

Cheap Vacation Spots

Do you want to see the best 32 Cheap Vacation Spots before you clock 75 years? If you believe that travel is always expensive, you must be mistaken. There are many cheap places for vacation. Some of the most stunning locations are also some of the most affordable.


Traveling On A Budget In North America

1. Mexico

Mexico is a remarkable nation in North America with extensive coastlines, a distinct culture, and top-notch cuisine. It’s one of those enduringly affordable travel destinations in North America.

2. Alberta, Canada

Canada is not the most affordable country in the world, but if you are determined to visit on a tight budget, Alberta might be the best province to visit. primarily because, at 5%, they have Canada’s lowest tax rate by far.

Travel Options For Less Money In Central America

3. Guatemala

For a fraction of the price of Costa Rica, you can have an incredible time in Guatemala’s lush jungle, climb volcanoes, and enjoy the coastline. They have incredible wildlife, zip-lining, surfing, amazing coffee, and historic ruins.

4. Nicaragua

Nicaragua is one of the most affordable international destinations and another fantastic country in Central America to visit. Similar to Guatemala and Costa Rica, but with prices that are lower than Guatemala and lower than Costa Rica.

Cheap South American Travel Destinations

5. Peru

Peru is a cheap travel destination and has it all. The Andes Mountains, with their towering peaks and mysterious history, the Amazon’s hot and muggy rainforest, pulsating cities, and surfer-friendly coastline.


Aside from trips to the Galapagos, Ecuador is one of the world’s more affordable places to travel. There are bargains to be had almost everywhere, whether you’re traveling to Quito or the rainforest.

Europe’s Budget Travel Destinations

6. Greece

Greece’s islands have long been a top destination for tourists. Over a hundred inhabited islands can be found in Greece. In Greece, there is an island to suit every taste and budget.

7. Croatia

Many honeymooners and even backpackers are drawn to Croatia. Why is clear to see? The nation offers a wealth of history, stunning beaches, incredible sunsets, and outdoor activities for a fraction of the price of other Western European countries.


7. South Africa

Spending a few memorable nights in a safari lodge followed by a cheap meal in one of the world’s best wine regions characterizes a typical South African vacation.

8. Namibia

A trip to Namibia is necessary if you want to wake up among the tallest and oldest dunes in the world. Even my parents are unaware of Namibia, one of the most amazing travel destinations in Africa.

Other cheap places for vacation include

  • Mozambique
  • Malawi
  • Egypt 
  • Morocco 
  • Serbia
  • Albania
  • Italy
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Montenegro
  • North Macedonia
  • Poland
  • Georgia
  • Panama
  • Costa Rica
  • North Carolina
  • Philippines
  • Sri Lanka
  • Cambodia
  • Thailand
  • Bali
  • Malaysia
  • Taiwan


Where is the cheapest place to go on vacation?

Mexico. Mexico, unsurprisingly, tops the list of the least expensive destinations to visit in 2023.


When traveling you must consider how much you’re going to be spending and we have listed the places you can visit with a low budget.

For more information always visit lowellcolleges.com

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