The Complete Guide on How to Become a US Citizen

become citizens of the United States

Many people wish to be naturalized and become a US citizen. Rightly so, because obtaining US citizenship confers new rights and benefits on those who are fortunate enough to obtain it.

This article will walk you through the process of becoming naturalized in ten steps. If you follow these steps, you might not be too far away from obtaining US citizenship.


Step 1: Check Eligibility for U.S. Citizenship

Before you consider naturalizing, you should determine whether you are eligible for the process. The USCIS has established criteria for determining your eligibility for citizenship.

If you were born in the United States or to U.S. citizens, you are automatically granted U.S. citizenship. If any of your parents are U.S. citizens or have naturalized, you must complete Form N-600 or Form N-600K, which are the Applications for Certificate of Citizenship and Citizenship and Issuance of Certificate, respectively.

If you do not meet any of the above conditions and wish to apply for US citizenship, you must also meet the following requirements:

To prove that you are a lawful permanent resident, you must have a valid green card.

You’re a spouse of a U.S. citizen for at least three years.

You have served in the United States military.

Step 2: Fill out Form N-400.

After you’ve passed the eligibility check, file Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, which is available from the USCIS.

This form will request personal information, past details (both personal and residential), parents, employment (both past and present), education, time spent outside the United States while on a green card, marital history, and information about your spouse and children (if any).

Remember to download the most recent and up-to-date version of Form N-400 from the USCIS website and answer all of the questions that apply to you. Incomplete forms are frequently delayed and rejected.

Step 3: Take two photographs.

In addition to Form N-400, you must submit two photographs of yourself. They must be recent (ideally taken within a week and no later than 30 days) and match your current facial characteristics such as a haircut, beard, mustache, and so on. Your face must be clearly shown in the photo from your chin to the top of the head with no covering on your head (except for religious reasons).

Furthermore, these photographs should be passport-sized, measuring 2 X 2 inches (5 X 5 cm) in the United States. The color scheme can be full color or black and white, with the photo accompanied by a light or white background.

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Step 4: photocopy Documents.

Along with Form N-400, you must submit several documents. They should all be photocopies, not originals. Because you will be sending your original documents via mail, there is a chance that they will be lost or destroyed in the process.

You will, however, be required to bring in your originals for verification. Photocopies of your green card (front and back), passport, visa, birth certificate, and other important documents are required. If you have documents that are not in English, you should have them translated first and then submit a photocopy.

Step 5: Send Your Application Package

After you’ve completed Form N-400 and gathered all of the necessary documents, it’s time to submit them to the USCIS office. Make sure to enter the correct address when sending. You must also submit an application fee of approximately $725, which includes the biometric verification fee. For this purpose, you can use a money order or a check.

Step 6: Have Your Fingerprints Taken

USCIS officials will review your application, submit documents, and check. After everything is in order and your application has been approved, you will be scheduled for biometric verification at a USCIS office.

You will be required to submit your fingerprints. These will be used by various law enforcement agencies in the United States to conduct a criminal background check on you. If a major crime is discovered, your application will be rejected immediately. If they discover a minor crime, your application may be delayed, but you will almost certainly pass.

You will be required to bring your original documents to your fingerprinting appointment.

Step 7: Attend the Naturalization Interview

Following the fingerprint session, you will be scheduled for an interview with the USCIS, during which you will be asked a series of questions. Once scheduled, you will be notified of the date, location, and time. It is recommended that you arrive at the designated office 30 minutes before the interview.

The interview will feel like a continuation of the fingerprinting session in parts. Interviewers will go over your N-400 form one last time and verbally confirm your answers. They will also assess your character, morals, attitude toward US laws and policies, and willingness to take the oath. Answer all questions honestly, factually, and by the answers, you provided on the form.

Step 8: Take the English and Civics Exams

Officials from USCIS will assess your ability to understand, read, write, and speak English. This has no direct impact on the application process, but it is critical for officials. The civics examination is more important. You will be quizzed on US laws and regulations ranging from paying taxes to driving regulations.

As a result, before attending the interview, you should prepare by reading a few books on the subject and expanding your knowledge of US laws. That will conclude the application process.

Step 9: Await the Decision

Following the interview, the USCIS will decide whether or not to grant you citizenship based on the information you provided and the questions you answered during the interview. There are three possible outcomes.

First, you may get accepted and become a U.S. citizen. Second, your application may be denied, and you will be required to leave the country when your visa expires. Third, the case may continue, and they may request additional information or schedule additional appointments.

Step 10: Take the Oath

If your application is approved, you will be required to participate in an oath ceremony and take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States. Following this, you will be given your Certificate of Naturalization, indicating that you are now a U.S. citizen.


How long does it take to become a U.S. citizen in 2022?

  • From 18.5 to 24 months
  • Naturalization takes between 18.5 and 24 months.

Completing your application correctly the first time — and starting the process as soon as possible — is also essential for a successful naturalization process.

How much the citizenship cost in 2022?

$1,170. The fee can be paid by money order, personal check, or cashier’s check. You can pay by credit card when filing at a USCIS lockbox if you use Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions. If you pay by check, make it payable to the United States Department of Homeland Security.

Do you need a lawyer to become a U.S. citizen?

No. You can file USCIS forms yourself, including Form N-400, and Application for Naturalization, which can be submitted online. Some people, however, choose to work with a lawyer or an Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)-accredited representative.


These are the steps you must take to become a naturalized citizen of the United States and enjoy all of the rights and liberties that come with it. Do you have any questions? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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