The most effective way to include travel in your resume

Can you put travel on your resume

Can you put travel on your resume? The demand for some skills, such as cross-cultural communication, multilingualism, and quick adaptability to various kinds of work environments, is increasing as more people choose to work remotely and as more businesses enter new or foreign markets.

Add your experiences to your resume to make yourself stand out from the competition if you’re considering going on a short trip, taking a gap year to volunteer or study abroad, or returning from your travels prepared to re-enter the workforce.


Display Specific Achievements from Your Travels

Consider your accomplishments and list your travel experience on your resume as either a professional or volunteer position.

What contributions were unique to you while abroad?

What intriguing intercultural projects have you been a part of?

Who benefited from your program?

Include a list of 1-2 qualities under your name that will help employers remember you.

Showcase Knowledge Acquired Through Travel

Your character and personal growth can be shown in your resume. Include a section on relevant skills that highlights both your general character strengths and your job-specific skills.

When traveling alone in a foreign country, your “soft skills” are frequently put to the test. What skills in negotiation or mediation, for instance, did your international program help you develop? You will later have the opportunity to elaborate on how your travel experiences further shaped these skills during the job interview.

Display Your Communication Talents

During their program abroad, many Greenheart Travel participants enjoy blogging and taking pictures. Although at the time it might seem like just a personal project, these samples of your writing and photography abilities might be very appealing to a potential employer.

Consider including a link to your blog on your LinkedIn profile and in your resume so that potential employers can learn more about your writing and travels. Consider creating a portfolio of your travel photos if you have an interest in design or journalism. This will show off not only your creative side but also your capacity for self-promotion and organizational skills.

Explain Your Leadership Qualities

Consider once more how you can give specific examples of the abilities you acquired while traveling. Did you receive a scholarship for your study abroad course? Scholarships show commitment and effort, and they may help employers see your trip as a genuine program rather than a simple vacation. These may be listed in a section designated “Awards and Recognition.”

Additionally, be sure to mention any public recognition for your international program, such as media coverage (even if it’s in your local newspaper) or a local celebration held in the host nation in your honor.

Make Sure to Get a Second Opinion to Stand Out

Consider asking a friend, acquaintance, or family member who works in your desired field for assistance when listing your travels on your resume. By getting a second set of eyes to review your resume, you can make sure that your points are being understood by employers.

It might help to simply change the order of your resume or the way you describe an accomplishment you made while traveling. Finally, never forget to be your biggest supporter. Your resume ought to instill confidence in you and serve as a platform for you to boast about all the extraordinary things you have accomplished.


How do you say you are willing to travel on a resume?

“I love to travel and am open to the idea. I’ll admit that I have a few obligations that prevent me from traveling every weekend, but if necessary, I’d be more than willing to travel every week.


Traveling can be a way to boost your resume during employment. This article has highlighted ways in which you can leverage travel on your resume.

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